It’s off-season (boo, hiss) for the Raptors, so let’s have a walk down memory lane. Here are the 10 most compelling players who’ve suited up for us over the years.
Having been around the Toronto Raptors since Day 1 (and many before that), I’m able to recall most of the players who have come and gone. The team hasn’t had any dangerous people (think Latrell Sprewell or Ron Artest), but it’s had a reasonable number of quirky types.
There were a few Honourable Mentions:
- Hedo Turkoglu (“Mr. Pizza”)
- Hakeem Olajuwon
- Mengke Bateer
Let me introduce you to, or remind you of, ten of them. Don’t get hung up on the numbering. I wanted to mix up the well-known with the less so, and the great ones with the odd ducks. With that in mind, here’s #1.