Rondae Hollis-Jefferson has a question that needs answers
Rondae Hollis-Jefferson may be one of the better follows on social media. The man is goofy, endearing, and definitely doesn’t hold back with his feelings. To be honest, Hollis-Jefferson will always have more power over his brand and social media presence.
Unlike superstars, Hollis-Jefferson can be himself without the backlash that follows others, which helped us get to this moment:
Hollis-Jefferson is asking the people very important questions and, perhaps, being employed by the Toronto Raptors really has him thinking constantly about this question.
I can’t help but hope that a paleontologist helps him get his answers because perhaps a solution to his constant mind-boggling dreams of dinosaur flesh will help him improve his 3-point shot?
Is that cut too deep? Please.
Yet in all honesty, I like Rondae. He seems like a fun guy and is having a good time being a role player on this team. Of course, I don’t want him to hurt himself, either, so please let’s not have him go to the CN Tower any time soon:
Rondae Hollis-Jefferson isn’t bound by the same social media barriers that plague superstars… and he’s better for it.
All hail Hollis-Jefferson, asking the real questions that need answers.