We all understand that we needed to include this dude in the Lowry trade in order to make the money work. We get it. Can we now talk about how he started complaining the second the transaction was on paper?
Or that despite being a valuable asset to a contending team, his contract and the way the league is set right now make it nearly impossible to trade him without a huge buyout?
Acquiring Dragic was not the main point of the Lowry trade. This is a shame, as the team could actually really use a player with his expertise. Unfortunately, despite how his shooting, passing, and veteran moxie could help the Raptors in their postseason quest, his infamous quotes about his “ambitions” won’t go away easily
You can’t fully blame Dragic for wanting to play on a title contender, but he could have at least griped about it quietly. Any time somebody has to tweet a retraction or clarification, something’s gone wrong.
Will Goran Dragic last with the Toronto Raptors?
There is a “where do we go from here” element with Dragic. Hopefully, he’ll play well enough during the first half of the season for his trade value to get out of the red zone, but there is a world where he stinks, sulks, and becomes a negative asset to the team.
That’s why this offseason acquisition gets a C. Still a passing grade, because we understand the way the numbers work with these things, but not something you feel amazing about.